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Editor's Corner

Thanks a Million!
Make that 2 Million!

November 16, 2005

Over the last seven years we have had 2 million people from over 80 nations visit I rarely make a big deal about numbers, but the time has come to thank everyone who made this all possible.

Elder William Fagal, Branch Director, Ellen G. White Estate --How did this all start? It was 1997. I had recently started a web site to defend Ellen White. From time to time Elder Fagal would cast me a tidbit of information to improve our site. We were, after all, on the same side, fighting against those "demon-inspired" critics of Ellen White! One day he sent me an e-mail and it literally floored me. It was about that old story, from the early days, told by J.N. Loughborough, where he tells how God called Hazen Foss to be His mouthpiece, and that fellow failed. Then God called Willam Foy, and He also failed and soon afterward died. Then, God finally went to the "weakest of the weak", and picked Ellen White to be His chosen messenger. I had the whole yarn written up on my web site. It was a great story. Who could argue with a story like that? Hold on. Just one small problem. It wasn't true. It was a myth. A fib. Loughborough took a few facts, mixed in a load of fabrication and out came a myth that is still taught as fact today! To this day I don't know what prompted Elder Fagal to send that e-mail. Perhaps his conscience bothered him. He knew it wasn't true. I know my conscious started to bother me after I read his e-mail. I began to ask, "What else about Ellen White's history was fabricated?" The horror of it ran through my veins, "Oh my! Am I leading people astray without even realizing it?" Thank-you, Elder Fagal, for opening my blind eyes.

Elder Dale Ratzlaff--It was 1997, and I couldn't believe this man was e-mailing me. He was a cast-away. A backslider. He turned his back on "the truth" and the prophet Ellen White. He was a Sunday keeper. Could I help restore this man's faith in Ellen White? I doubted it. I figured he was beyond reach, but I would nevertheless attempt to set him straight. I pulled out all my best stories about Ellen White. He wasn't buying it. And I wasn't buying what he had to say either. He finally convinced me to give him my address. He started mailing me books at no charge. First was Cultic Doctrine. Then he sent D.M. Canright's book. Jesus once said, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Those are not idle words. Sooner or later, you will know the truth, and it will set you free. By the time I was done with those books, I was set free. Freedom! Free of a religion built upon myths and rules dreamt up in the minds of men. Free from a pharisaical, hypocritical religion that cared more for building big institutions than feeding the hungry and sheltering the homeless. Free indeed! Thank you Elder Ratzlaff, thank-you.

Elder Walter Rea--Has anyone suffered more undeserved abuse at the hands of Seventh-day Adventists than Walter Rea? Not even the pope himself has been the victim of such venom. A couple years ago one pro-Ellen White web site, noteworthy for its malicious slander and outright lies, was spreading a rumor that Elder Rea had recanted. We contacted Elder Rea, and within days we had a notarized document stating that he had not recanted. In fact, as he nears the age of 100, Elder Rea believes even stronger than ever that Ellen White was a false prophet. Despite the false rumors, despite the liars who said he did not believe the Bible, despite all the slander that hell could muster against him, Elder Rea has stood like a lighthouse on the shore pointing the way for all who would make it home through the storm of myths to the port of truth. Elder Rea, I'm so thankful that you never gave in, never gave up, never recanted. Thank you sir, for standing firm to the end.

Román Quiros--This man spent thousands of hours translating material into Spanish. Instead of spending his time pursuing selfish interests this man devoted years upon years of his life to making this information available to the Spanish-speaking world. Because of his devotion, thousands upon thousands have discovered the truth about Ellen White. Entire churches have been set free from the chains of Adventism. Every year 50,000 Spanish-speaking people visit our web site and read his translations. Muchas gracias señor!

Skip Baker, Jeff Barron, Elaine Bowerman, Dr. Kenneth Brantley, Janet Brown, Elder Rey Cantu, Elder Sydney Cleveland, Max Chugg, Pat Darnell, Captain David Depinho, Ernesto Gil, Doug Hackleman, Paul Lorenz, Dr. Fred Mazzaferri, Ray Pitts, Robert Sanders, Grant Shurtliff, Bruce Weaver and everyone else who has donated their time, talents, prayers, and energy to make this site a success--Without you folks, none of this would have been possible. Please accept my heartfelt thanks.

Last, but certainly not least, thank-you Jesus.

"You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Brother Anderson, Editor

Prior Articles:

Aug. 2005 - Resolution on the Spirit of Prophecy

Jul. 2005 - Money, Sex, and Lies

Jan. 2005 - Weavers of Deception, Masters of Intimidation

Nov. 2004 - Walter Rea - Is he really an enemy of the SDA Church?

Oct. 2004 - Modern Prophets Another prophet has arisen recently, sounding dire warnings...