Is Ellen White a False Prophet? Investigate for Yourself

Welcome to the Ellen White Investigation

The Bible instructs us: "Do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world." (1 John 4:1 NLT) This library of research about Ellen White was launched in 1998, to share with you the findings of dozens of researchers who are following the Biblical command to investigate the claims of Ellen G. White.

Ellen White commanded that prophets should be investigated. When SDA prophet Anna Phillips started prophesying, Ellen White wrote: "Where is your evidence that these are of God?" (Letter 103, 1894 to A.T. Jones). We ask you the same question today. Where is your evidence that Ellen White's visions are from God?

Main Topics

    Browse the thousands of web pages on this site using the topic collections below.


Most Viewed Articles

  1. Solitary Vice (adults only please!)

  2. The Significance of Ellen White's Head Injury

  3. The Arrest and Trial of Israel Dammon

  4. Were the Whites Rich?

  5. Oysters and Herrings


New Articles!

Aug. 2024 — New Video - Vital Farce!
                 — Ellen White's Hypocrisy on Nude Artwork

June 2024 — New Video - Beware This Prophet!

May 2024 — Failed Prophecy about Jerusalem
                — Ellen White's Hot Drinks
                — Herbs and Drugs

Apr. 2024 — Animal Passions

Feb. 2024 — Ellen White the Blaspheming Prophetess

Jan. 2024 — Ellen White's False Gospel

Oct. 2023 — Ellen White's Secret Stash

Sep. 2023 — Ellen White's Fancy Hat

Jan. 2023 — Astounding Errors: The Prophetic Message of the Seventh-day Adventists in the Light of History and Bible Knowledge - Book by Aaron Nyman
                 — Under the Influence Part 1 and Under the Influence Part 2 - by D. Anderson

July 2022 — Ellen White's Shocking Statements about Women

May 2022 — Ellen White's Alchemy - How the writings of the "damned" were transformed into "light from heaven"

Mar. 2022 — Will We Have Stars in Our Crowns for Souls Saved?

Feb. 2022 — Mesmerism and Ellen White

Jan. 2022 — National Sunday Law: Fact or Fiction - Read the new 2022 edition of Brother Anderson's book

Dec. 2021 — The Messenger Party: The Resistance Begins
                 — Ellen White's Source of Inspiration: Henry Melville
                 — O.R.L. Crozier Letter
                 — W.H. Ball Letter

Nov. 2021 — Charles Stewart Letter
                 — Ellen White's Plagiarism of Daniel March
                 — The Norwich Tract
                 — Lucinda Burdick Letter
                 — Merritt Kellogg Letter
                 — Albion Ballenger Letter
                 — Camden Vision is Genuine - by Gilbert Valentine, 1979
                 — Fannie Bolton's Testimony
                 — Plagiarism in Prophets and Kings
                 — A.T. Jones: Some History
                 — A.T. Jones: The Final Word
                 — A.T. Jones: The Spirit of Prophecy: The False and the True

Oct. 2021 — The Waldenses — Did they really keep the Sabbath?
                 — William Sadler Letter

Sep. 2021 — Another Embarrassing News Story of Ellen Harmon and Israel Dammon

July 2021 — Is Depression UnChristlike?

Mar. 2021 — Contradiction: Are the Words of the Bible Inspired?


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Does Ellen White Pass the 7 Biblical Tests of a Prophet?

Biography of Ellen White

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Category: SDA "Truth" Investigated
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