Contradictory StatementsSubmitted by visitors to this web site
Israel forever rejected? Or not?Jan. 2019, from Brian, Canada
Who said "Do not Touch"?Oct. 2009, from Tom SwiftDid God tell Eve not to touch the fruit? Or did she make up the statement on her own? Both these can't be true!
Peter or Paul?Sep. 2009, from anonymousEllen White: "'The love of Christ constraineth us,' the apostle Peter declared." (Review and Herald, Oct. 30, 1913) Sorry, but Paul wrote that: "For the love of Christ constraineth us..." (2 Cor. 5:14)
Changes Meaning of John 16:26!Dec., 2008, from George Hill, USA
I will pray, and I will not pray is a major difference!
Contradicts Her Own Son, in the Same Book!
Sep., 2006, from Angela Wingerman, USA
Another Bible Contradiction!May, 2006, from Tom Swift, USAYou tell me! Am I crazy? Or is Ellen White adding words to and changing what God said?
Can it be any more obvious? God didn't just say it once. He said it twice! He said every "thing that liveth" and then He added, "all things." One question: Are unclean animals alive? If yes, then Ellen White added words to God's word which proves she was a liar: Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. (Prov. 30:6)
White Contradicts Her Own Testimony on X-rays!December, 2005, from Tom Swift, USAGet this, on June 17, 1906, she warned Adventists not to get X-ray treatments: "I have been instructed that the X-ray is not the great blessing that some suppose it to be. If used unwisely, it may do much harm. The results of some of the electrical treatments are similar to the results of using stimulants. There is a weakness that follows." ("Testimonies and Experiences Connected With The Loma Linda Sanitarium", p. 19, Spalding and Magan Collection, p. 390) Then, five years later, she turns around and gets X-ray treatments herself at Loma Linda! "For several weeks I took treatment with the X-ray for the black spot that was on my forehead. In all I took twenty-three treatments, and these succeeded in entirely removing the mark. For this I am very grateful." (Letter 30, 1911, to her son J. E. White, Selected Messages Book 2, p. 303) I guess whoever "instructed" her did not make much of an impression on her!
White Contradicts Genesis 14October, 2005, from Eduardo Martínez, SpainIn Genesis 14 it is clearly indicated that there were two sets of military alliances involved. First of all, we have four invaders, namely, "Amraphel king of Shinar, Arioch king of Ellasar, Kedorlaomer king of Elam and Tidal king of Goiim" (verse 1; cf. verse 9), Kedorlaomer being the leader. On the other hand, we have five local kings of the land of Canaan, namely, "Bera king of Sodom, Birsha king of Gomorrah, Shinab king of Admah, Shemeber king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bela (that is, Zoar)" (verse 2; cf. verse 8, where only the towns are mentioned). The Bible explicitly summarizes the number of allies for us as "four kings against five" (verse 9), the four being foreign, and the five being local. It is obvious that Kedorlaomer had three allies. And yet, Patriarchs and Prophets says: "Chedorlaomer, king of Elam, had invaded Canaan fourteen years before, and made it tributary to him. Several of the princes now revolted, and the Elamite king, with four allies, again marched into the country to reduce them to submission." PP 134 (emphasis supplied)
Are Eggs Hindering Parents' Prayers?"April, 2005, from Angela Wingerman, USA1870--EGW said God would not answer the prayers of parents who fed eggs to their corrupt, unruly, evil children: "You should be teaching your children. You should be instructing them how to shun the vices and corruption's of this age. Instead of this, many are studying how to get something good to eat. You place upon your tables butter, eggs, and meat and then your children partake of them. They are fed with the very things that will excite their animal passions, and then you come to meeting and ask God to bless and save your children., How high do your prayers go? You have a work to do first. When you have done all for your children which God has left you to do then you can with confidence claim the special help that God has promised to you. You should be studying temperance in all things. You must study in what you eat and in what you drink. And yet you say: 'It is nobody's business what I eat or what I drink, or what I place upon my table.' It is somebody's business, unless you take your children and shut them up, or go into the wilderness where they will not be a burden to others, and where your unruly, vicious children will not corrupt the society in which they mingle." (Testimonies, Vol. 2, p. 362) 1897--Twenty seven years after Ellen G. White told parents not to feed eggs to their corrupt, unruly children, she had this amazing dream showing raw eggs in wine as nourishing food: "I dreamed of having the care of a child that was weak, and seemed unable to rally. I thought the same physician stood by the cradle, and said, 'Have you any wine in the house? Beat up a raw egg and give it to the child with grape wine three times a day. He will rally.'" (Letter 112a, 1897, Manuscript Releases Vol. 3, p. 321)
Was Jesus Ugly or Beautiful?"March, 2005, from Angela Wingerman, USA
"Christ, the Majesty of heaven, laid aside His robes of royalty and came to this world...He traveled on foot, teaching His followers as He went. His garments were dusty and travel-stained, and His appearance was uninviting. But the simple, pointed truths which fell from His divine lips soon caused His hearers to forget His appearance, and to be charmed, not with the man, but with the doctrine He taught..." (Testimonies Vol. 4, p. 373)VERSUS "His tender compassion fell with a touch of healing upon weary and troubled hearts. Even amid the turbulence of angry enemies. He was surrounded with an atmosphere of peace. The beauty of His countenance, the loveliness of His character, above all, the love expressed in look and tone, drew to Him all who were not hardened in unbelief ...." (The Desire of Ages, p. 254) EGW Calls Sabbath Laws "Senseless Restrictions"July, 2004, from Robert Sanders, USAGod commanded the Jews not to light a fire in their dwellings on the Sabbath day. "For six days, work is to be done, but the seventh day shall be your holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it must be put to death. Do not light a fire in any of your dwellings on the Sabbath day.” (Ex 35:2 - Ex 35:3 NIV) The Desire of Ages, page 204, paragraph 1: The Jews had so perverted the law that they made it a yoke of bondage. Their meaningless requirements had become a byword among other nations. Especially was the Sabbath hedged in by all manner of senseless restrictions. It was not to them a delight, the holy of the Lord, and honorable. The scribes and Pharisees had made its observance an intolerable burden. A Jew was not allowed to kindle a fire nor even to light a candle on the Sabbath. As a consequence the people were dependent upon the Gentiles for many services which their rules forbade them to do for themselves. They did not reflect that if these acts were sinful, those who employed others to perform them were as guilty as if they had done the work themselves. They thought that salvation was restricted to the Jews, and that the condition of all others, being already hopeless, could be made no worse. But God has given no commandments which cannot be obeyed by all. His laws sanction no unreasonable or selfish restrictions. EGW accuses the Jews of perverting the Sabbath, making it a yoke of bondage and calls God's law "senseless restrictions". Then EGW blames the scribes and Pharisees of making the Sabbath "an intolerable burden" because the Jews were not allowed to "kindle a fire or light a candle on the Sabbath." It was God that commanded not lighting a fire on the Sabbath, not the scribes and Pharisees. This shows she is a false prophetess.
Okay for Pregnant Mothers to Drink Wine?Sep., 2002, from W.C., USAHere is her advice to a pregnant lady: B has been very deficient. While in her best condition of health, his wife was not provided with a plenty of wholesome food and with proper clothing. Then, when she needed extra clothing and extra food, and that of a simple yet nutritious quality, it was not allowed her. Her system craved material to convert into blood, but he would not provide it. A moderate amount of milk and sugar, and a little salt, white bread raised with yeast for a change, graham flour prepared in a variety of ways by other hands than her own, plain cake with raisins, rice pudding with raisins, prunes, and figs, occasionally, and many other dishes I might mention, would have answered the demand of appetite. If he could not obtain some of these things, a little domestic wine would have done her no injury; it would have been better for her to have it than to do without it. (Testimonies, vol. 2, p. 383) Later on, she wrote: "Neither let her drink wine nor strong drink," was the angel's instruction for the wife of Manoah, "nor eat any unclean thing; all that I commanded her let her observe." The child will be affected for good or evil by the habits of the mother. She must herself be controlled by principle, and must practice temperance and self-denial, if she would seek the welfare of her child. (Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods (1926) Chapter 9 - Diet During Pregnancy and Lactation, p. 30) Comments: As a nurse who works with mothers and babies, I have strong objections to the belief that any pregnant person would be told any amount of any alcohol is acceptable.
"Was His Visage Marred? Or Not?"June, 2002, from Bob, USA
Editor's Note: Ellen White did write Jesus' visage was marred during the wilderness temptation (DA 118) and at the Garden of Gethsemane (DA 690). Neither of these is the fulfillment of Isaiah 54:14. First, Isaiah 54:14 says that "many" were astonished at the sight of Jesus. This could not possibly have been in the garden, in the dark, where few people were around. It had to have been in a lighted area with a crowd of people around, such as in the judgment hall or on the road to Golgotha. His visage was marred, not so much by sweat, but by a crown of thorns and having been beaten in the face. Secondly, the verse says his form was marred, which leaves the impression his body was injured. This happened during the flogging that tore the flesh on his trunk, both back and front, to shreds. His form was not marred in the Garden of Gethsemane.
"Passing Through the Red Sea"June, 2002, from Ray Pitts, USARead carefully these two stories by Ellen White. See the big difference between Testimonies and Spiritual Gifts? They both can't be right!
"Who is the Wave Sheaf?"May, 2002, from Dr. Adrian Bury, HungaryIn the quote below, the wave sheaf from the festival of first fruits (Lev 23: 15 ff.) is not Jesus, but others who were raised from the dead at the same time as He was: ‘But he waves them back. Not yet; he cannot now receive the coronet of glory and the royal robe. He enters into the presence of his Father. He points to his wounded head, the pierced side, the marred feet: He lifts his hands bearing the prints of the nails. He points to the tokens of his triumph; he presents to God the wave sheaf, those raised with him as representatives of that great multitude who shall come forth from the grave at his second coming. He approaches the Father…’ Desire of Ages, p. 834. In the quote below, the wave sheaf is Jesus himself, and there will be no others raised (permanently) until he comes again. I believe this latter quotation reflects correct Biblical teaching: ‘The sheaf of first fruits, which at the time of the Passover was waved before the Lord, was typical of the resurrection of Christ. Paul says, in speaking of the resurrection of the Lord and of all His people: “Christ the first fruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at His coming.” 1 Corinthians 15: 23. Like the wave sheaf, which was the first ripe grain gathered before the harvest, Christ is the first fruits of the immortal harvest of redeemed ones that at the future resurrection shall be gathered into the garner of God.’ The Great Controversy, chap 22, p. 399. "Two Meals a Day--When??"August, 2001, from Elaine Bowerman, USA"For thirty-five years I have practiced the two-meal system" (CD 178)
Butter ContradictionMay, 2001, from Elaine Bowerman, USAHere is a letter written February 15, 1874, from Santa Rosa, California, to "My dear Clarence [Willie]": You cannot live too plainly when you are studying so constantly. Your father and I have dropped milk, cream, butter, sugar, and meat entirely since we came to California. We are far clearer in mind and far better in body. We live very plainly. We cannot write unless we do live simply. Your father bought meat once for May while she was sick, but not a penny have we expended on meat since. (Manuscript Releases, vol. 14, p. 322) Contrast that letter with Letter 76 written in 1895 We have a large family, and besides have many guests, but neither meat nor butter is placed upon our table. We use the cream from the milk of the cows which we feed ourselves. We purchase butter for cooking purposes from dairies where the cows are in healthy condition, and have good pasture. (Counsels on Diet and Foods p. 488) First the White's drop butter "entirely" from their diet in 1874, but by 1895, they were using it again. Apparently butter is unfit for use at the table but fine for cooking! And what, pray tell, is the difference between cream and butter? They both are from the same material. From what I read on "the light given" to Ellen White on diet reform, I can only conclude that nothing in her writings is consistent but her inconsistencies.
Great Controversy ContradictionMar., 2001, from Elaine Bowerman, USAQuoting from The Great Controversy, we read: "These having been translated from the earth, from among the living, are counted as 'the first fruits unto God and to the lamb.' . . . These are they which came out of great tribulation, they have passed through the time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation. . . . (page 649) The following quote is from Adventist pioneer, J.N. Loughborough: If there is still a doubt of the resurrected Sabbath keepers' being numbered with the 144,000, consider the following from Sister White's words in 1909. At the general Conference in 1909, Elder Irwin had a stenographer accompany him in a call upon Sister White. He wished to ask her some question, and have an exact copy of the words of the replies. Among other questions was this one: "Will those who have died in the message be among the 144,000?" In reply, Sister White said: "Oh, yes, those who have died in the faith will be among the 144,000. I am clear on that matter. These were the exact words of question and answer, as Brother Irwin permitted me to copy from his stenographer's report." (J.N. Loughborough, Questions on the Sealing message, page 31, published 1916.) Obviously, Loughborough is trying to show, from the writings of Ellen White, that the Sabbath keepers who are raised during the special resurrection of Daniel 12:2, will go through the time of Jacob's trouble and be translated and among the 144,000. PLEASE COMPARE THE ABOVE STATEMENT RE: THE 144,000 AND TIME OF TROUBLE WITH THE FOLLOWING STATEMENT FROM THE PEN OF ELLEN G. WHITE ON THE DEATH OF MRS. HASTINGS: I hardly know what to say to you. The news of your wife's death was to me overwhelming. I could hardly believe it and can hardly believe it now. God gave me a view last Sabbath night which I will write.... I saw that she was sealed and would come up at the voice of God and stand upon the earth, and would be with the 144,000. I saw we need not mourn for her; she would rest in the time of trouble, and all that we could mourn for was our loss in being deprived of her company. I saw her death would result in good. {2SM 263.3} (1850). In one case we have those faithful Sabbath keepers raised during the special resurrection and enduring the time of trouble with the 144,000. In the other case, we have Mrs. Hastings resting during the time of trouble and joining the 144,000 later.
Yet Another Great Controversy Contradiction!Oct., 2000, from L. Russell, USAOn page 557 of The Great Controversy, Ellen White wrote (emphasis added): "The apostles, as personated by these lying spirits, are made to contradict what they wrote at the dictation of the Holy Spirit when on earth. THEY DENY THE DIVINE ORIGIN OF THE BIBLE, and thus tear away the foundation of the Christian's hope, and put out the light that reveals the way to Heaven. SATAN IS MAKING THE WORLD BELIEVE THAT THE BIBLE IS A MERE FICTION, OR AT LEAST A BOOK SUITED TO THE INFANCY OF THE RACE, BUT NOW TO BE LIGHTLY REGARDED, OR CAST ASIDE AS OBSOLETE. And to take the place of the Word of God he holds out spiritual manifestations. Here is a channel wholly under his control; by this means he can make the world believe what he will. THE BOOK THAT IS TO JUDGE HIM AND HIS FOLLOWERS HE PUTS IN THE SHADE, JUST WHERE HE WANTS IT; the Saviour of the world he makes to be no more than a common man. And as the Roman guard that watched the tomb of Jesus spread the lying report which the priests and elders put into their mouths to disprove his resurrection, so do the believers in spiritual manifestations try to make it appear that there is nothing miraculous in the circumstances of our Saviour's life. After thus seeking to put Jesus in the background, they call attention to their own miracles, declaring that these far exceed the works of Christ." Then, on page 588 of the same book, Ellen White writes (emphasis added): "As spiritualism more closely imitates the nominal Christianity of the day, it has greater power to deceive and ensnare. Satan himself is converted, after the modern order of things. He will appear in the character of an angel of light. Through the agency of spiritualism, miracles will be wrought, the sick will be healed, and many undeniable wonders will be performed. AND AS THE SPIRITS WILL PROFESS FAITH IN THE BIBLE, and manifest respect for the institutions of the church, their work will be accepted as a manifestation of divine power." So, according to what Ellen White has written...
It seems to me that there is an obvious contradiction here. The "apostles," on one hand, will be "DENY(ING) THE DIVINE ORIGIN OF THE BIBLE." Meanwhile, the "angels" will be "PROFESS(ING) FAITH IN THE BIBLE." Shouldn't Satan and his fallen angels be cooperating since each of them has the same goal, which is to "deceive and ensnare" all Christians? Didn't Jesus say that "Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand (Matthew 12:25-26,NIV)?"
Hastening the Lord's Coming