Did Ellen White Suffer from Dementia?By Dirk Anderson, Sep., 2024 In June of 1985, Molleurus Couperus, M.D., wrote a ground-breaking article describing the significance of Ellen White's brain injury. Since then, many have wondered if her brain injury contributed to her visions, hyper-moralism, and other inexplicable behavior. One area yet to be explored is whether the brain injury contributed to Ellen White suffering from dementia.
What is Dementia?Dementia is a general term describing a set of symptoms associated with declining mental abilities severe enough to interfere with daily life. It affects memory, thinking, problem-solving, and other cognitive skills. People with dementia might forget important things, get confused about time or place, struggle with conversations, or have difficulty completing familiar tasks. Dementia is more common in older adults, but it is not a normal part of aging. Dementia can also cause hallucinations. Hallucinations are sensory experiences that appear real but are created by the mind. They can involve seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, or feeling things that are not actually there. Could Ellen White have been a victim of dementia?
Dementia Risk FactorsWhile it is impossible to diagnose Ellen White at this stage, it is possible to examine the risk factors for dementia to ascertain whether she was at increased risk for dementia. Dementia is caused by damage to brain cells, and it can progress over time. Mrs. White had two major risk factors for dementia:
Thus, Ellen White's combination of traumatic brain injury and exposure to neurotoxic mercury exacerbated her risk of developing dementia.
Evidence of Dementia?Aside from hallucinations, is there any other evidence Ellen White may have suffered from dementia? One primary symptom of dementia is forgetfulness. Like all of us, Mrs. White forgot minor details from time to time. But there are many indications she suffered from an inability to recall important facts, including details from her visions from God. The most noteworthy of those incidents is the 1890 Salamanca Vision, which Ellen White apparently could not recall for a while. Here are some other incidents where she had difficulty remembering things, including her visions:
It is surprising that Mrs. White would make so many mentions of forgetfulness in her letters and manuscripts when she told others that it was a sin to be forgetful: It is a sin to forget, a sin to be negligent.1
The Young ManVictims of dementia can sometimes believe they have an imaginary friend or spirit guide. They may see or hear someone who is not actually there. Such experiences can be vivid and seem very real to them. For example, an elderly lady might believe that she has a special relationship with an imaginary figure, such as a young man or a spirit guide. As early as 1849, a noble "young man" began appearing to Mrs. White in dreams to instruct her.3 While at first he only appeared "frequently" in her dreams, as she aged it appears he began appearing in person.4 In 1877 she wrote: "the young man who has often appeared to me and instructed me came in the room where I was."5 Was this a real angel? Or an imaginary friend triggered by her dementia? Since the angel lied to her about the return of Christ during the lifetime of the attendees of an 1856 conference, it is highly unlikely this was an angel of God. Therefore, it was more likely a hallucination produced by her own mind. She used the phrase “said the angel” 688 times in her published writings, so one must wonder how much of her instruction came from her own imagination.
Increasing ConfusionAnother primary symptom of dementia is mental confusion. Many readers have noticed the wide array of confusing statements and contradictory statements in Ellen White's writings. Many have also observed that her behavior was sometimes contrary to her own testimonies:
If Ellen White had dementia, it may provide an explanation for this. While it is difficult to assess her level of confusion from her writings, Mrs. White seemed to express increasing levels of confusion during the 1900s.
When asked to fill out a biographical survey in 1909, Mrs. White seems to struggle remembering events. When asked about her date of conversion, she writes with uncertainty: "Probably in March, 1840." To the general condition of her health, she wrote: "Uncertain, often feeble." When asked who married her and James, she wrote, "by whom is unknown now." When asked for details of her ordination (when, where, by whom), she replied by putting an "X" on the line.6 Ellen White turned 80 in 1907. One must wonder about the authenticity of books published under her name after 1907.
ConclusionWhile we may never be able to accurately assess whether Mrs. White had dementia, she certainly manifested some of the symptoms commonly found in dementia victims, such as forgetfulness, mental confusion, and hallucinations. There is also no doubt that she experienced at least two major risk factors for developing dementia (TBI and heavy metal exposure). Given this, it is possible she experienced dementia. If so, one can only wonder how it affected the quality and content of her writings.
See also
Citations1. Ellen White, Christ Object Lessons, (Washington D.C.: Review and Herald Publishing Association, 1900), 358. 2. Ellen White, Selections from the Testimonies Setting Forth Important Principles... (1898), 150. 3. Ellen White, Review and Herald, Nov. 4, 1875. "I dreamed that a young man of noble appearance came into the room where I was, immediately after I had been speaking. This same person has appeared before me in important dreams to instruct me from time to time during the past twenty-six years." 4. Ellen White, Manuscript 1B, 1874. 5. Ellen White, Letter 47, 1877. 6. "Records Pertaining to Ellen G. White's Ministerial/Ordination Credentials," Ellen G. White Estate. Mrs. White was first ordained as an SDA minister in 1871. Over the subsequent decades, she received at least seven other certificates of ordination. Her last certificate was issued in June, 1909. Aside from her 1871 ordination (Review and Herald, Feb. 14, 1871), the other ordination certificates were issued on October 1, 1883, from the Michigan Conference; September 27, 1885, from the Michigan Conference; December 6, 1885, from the General Conference; December 27, 1887, from the General Conference; March 7, 1899, from the General Conference; June 14, 1909, from the General Conference; June 12, 1913, from the General Conference. The White Estate claims that Ellen White's secretary, Mary Steward, filled out the survey. Extracted from https://whiteestate.org/legacy/issues-egw_credentials-egw_credentials-htm/ on Aug. 13, 2024.
Category: Health Teachings
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